Thursday, February 16, 2012

A Man Wakes up in a Small Row Boat in the Middle of the Ocean

Suggested by: Cathy Beasley

Where am I?

Oh... I’m still here

He has lost track of time. How long would be remain afloat upon this vast, desolate body? Time could no longer tell..

He picked up his oars again and continued on. To where, he had no clue. That didn’t matter anymore. Somewhere... anywhere. It surely had to be better than this hellish isolation.

As he rowed toward the unknown, his eyes caught the stains of blood on the handle of his oar. Memories quickly fading into the darkness of the struggle he’s had up until now. His whole life, it seems, has been a struggle.

He keeps pushing, and pushing. Pushing through the pain; the agony. One stroke after another, he keeps pushing, until he can no longer move his arms. He collapses again, like so many other times before, in extreme exhaustion.

I’ve never given up before. I’m not going to stop now.

Slowly, he gathers himself, and rises.

This is not the end.

With all his might, he continues on his fatal quest. It’s nearing midday, but it seems uncharacteristically dark. The water begins to churn. The winds pick up.

He hesitates for a moment. A whisper echos in his mind, bringing with it memories of his family.

I will see them again someday. I will make it through this. I must find my way.
The skies darken. Thunder and lightening rumble and flash overhead. The rain pours down from above. The waves crash on the side of his boat.


His boat capsizes. He struggles to make his way back on, as the waves drag him down below the raging sea.

A mother and her daughter sit bedside to their loved one, crying. The tubes keeping him there with them no longer necessary, as the deafening tone rings out around them...

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