Sunday, March 4, 2012


(Special note: I hated this topic, I'm not going to lie. You have no idea how hard it is to make fun of your favorite band... actually it isn't that hard, lol. All it takes is thinking of why you like them and then flipping it for the character. NONETHELESS!! And needless to say, this story is completely fictional (like I had to remind you about that). I would, however, like to give props to Nick and Kim for this one. They did their best to make me regret opening up my blog to everyone by giving me your suggestions for stories. But hey, I got through it, and that's all that matters! (This is actually the second idea the gave me for a blog. I refused to write on the first one due to not wanting to get in trouble for someone misconstruing the idea behind this blog. I won't say on here what it is, but if you PM me on Facebook or Twitter, I'll tell you what not to suggest when giving me a topic ;) )

This entry is in the style of a journal/diary entry, from the perspective of a 12 or 13 year old girl (a character that I hope to never have to be again.... because it's kind of creepy).

Original Suggestion: Jonas Brothers > Dream Theater
Suggested by: Nick Perna (@Nick Perna) and Kimberly Ann (@kimmiekonga)

OMG!! I hate my brother SOOOO much!! All he is is a jerk to me all day! Always hitting me and picking on me, kicking me off the tv. I'm so sick of it!!! =( And he is always blasting his music all the time so that I can't even hear my own music, which is so much better than his!! I mean, who would want to listen to a band called "Dream Theater"? It's sooo bad!! The singer guy is the worst singer that I have ever heard! He probably couldn't even win on American Idol!! LOL =) Can't he hear that he sucks sooo much?! He should quit, like, by yesterday! =) Their whiny guitar sounds, annoying weird piano playing stuff, and a guy on the drums that justs hits anything he wants to, not even making sense of what is going on in the song, if you can even call it that!! LOL!! =) My brother tries to tell me that this is real music, but I don't think so! Those funny looking old guys hold nothing to my lovely Jonas Brothers!! =) <333 I mean, Nick, Kevin, and Joe are SOOO HOTT!! =P They play the best music out there and look good doing it! =) "Mandy" is like my all time fav song ever!! It's just so amazing!!! Hold on and S.O.S?!? What isn't to love?!!! What has my brothers fav. band done for music? Obviously nothing since none of my friends have never even heard of them before!! LOL!!! My brother is soooo stupid for like something sooo stupid!! What kind of name is Dream Theater anyway? It's like they are trying too hard to be creative or mysterious or something stupid like that! It's STUPID!!!! =P Like, the stupidest thing of all time! Jonas Brothers are where it is at!! I can't WAIT for them to come to Cleveland soon, because I'm going to get seats in the front row so that they can sing to me!! <33 I don't ever see them not being my favorite band ever! Everyone is going to remember them forever!! They'll win every award because they are just that awesome!! =) I LOVE YOU NICK JONAS!!!! <33333 =)

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